Featuring Kristine Scott of Seattle Conflict Resolution

The Veterinary Life Coach

In this episode, Dr. Julie Cappel and I navigate the intricacies of teaching people to reach in, not freak out, during intense interpersonal encounters.

I offer fundamental tools to help individuals be aware of the space of choice making where we bring out our best selves (not our Chihuahua)!

Gin & Justice

In this episode with Gin & Justice, I share about my 30 years of experience working as a social worker and with homeless youth.

We explore police officer mental health, trauma, and the lack of support services available to those who are supposed to be protecting us.

The Audacious Living

As a guest on The Audacious Living Podcast, I discuss the importance of facing conflict as opposed to shying away from it, why controlling our emotions is so critical to our success and four myths to overcome to stop avoiding conflict.

Age Sister

In this episode of Age Sister with Kate Milne, I recall my experience working with Americorp and the lessons I learned from the people I served that propelled me into this career of becoming a “Conflict Resolutionary.” We also explore the role gender plays in conflict and how female-identified people have some advantages.

Living Our Abundance

Debbie is particularly appreciative of the message of safety and asks for my input on how to achieve a feeling of safety in tough situations. Neo and Walt provide their own commentary, including why our first impulse isn’t usually our best.