Coming from a small town did not prepare me to run a meal program for young people without housing. There were constant fights, threats, and thefts. I'd either over or under react (the aggressive authoritarian, or the spineless twit). Feeling powerless in the face of my own fight/flight/freeze reaction, I began watching how my guests handled conflict.  These folks lived outside and dealt with threats to their lives every day.  I learned that my threat assessor was lying to me and slowly learned to stop reacting from that threatened place but respond compassionately. 

I spent years improving my conflict response and training others when the director at a shelter. These monthly training sessions soon started drawing people from all over. Seattle Conflict Resolution grew out of this demand, we incorporated in 2018.

Now I am a nationally recognized trainer and internationally lauded speaker on conflict management. My mission is to help others skip the mistakes I made. We are each capable of bringing our best selves into hard situations.

I renew my energy through nature and art. I enjoy snowshoeing, hiking our beautiful Cascades, and hanging out with my ducks and dog. Yes, they are also learning non-violent conflict resolution.


Kristine Scott

Chief Trainer & Owner

SEATTLE Space Needle

“Working with Kristine Scott and Seattle Conflict Resolution has been a breath of fresh air. At the Space Needle we value her integrity and commitment to our frontline team, while also working closely with our leadership and management . Our Team Members now have the confidence and skills necessary to manage potential issues with guests.

Training with Kristine includes a step by step review of related standard operating procedures along with a wonderful dive into the animal brain, providing a beautifully holistic understanding on why conflicts happen and what to do to address and mitigate them.”


Free Phone Consulation

Would your team benefit by knowing non-violent intervention techniques that are tailored to your needs?

Schedule your free 30-minute phone or Zoom conflict coaching.